Discovery and Evaluation

Spotify · 2023

My role

Designed the end-to-end experience and collaborated with multiple teams as the project required having touch points on almost every surface on the app.

The Team

I worked as the sole designer on embedded on a squad. 1 product manager, 10 engineers, 1 content designer and numerous teams for collaboration


Every streaming service faces the problem of discovery and evaluation at one point in time or the other. Discovery is a pretty straightforward problem to understand. How do we present users with content that they otherwise would not have found on their own? It requires taking interesting signals and making decisions based on that. On the other hand, evaluation is a problem that has been increasingly difficult to solve by Spotify. The main question asked is as follows. How do I know that this is the right thing for me to listen to at the moment?


There is no better way to evaluate audio than by listening to the audio itself. We created a way for listeners to contextually evaluate content at every the points actual evaluation was required.

  • Artists

  • Album

  • Playlist

  • Podcast Show